CHEONG YOON YEO [20112055457]

Friday 14 December 2012


What is a tense? It is a grammatical category that helps locate a situation in time. The tenses can be present, past or future.
Past Present and Future

In many languages, tenses are not as important as in English (in some languages, they don't even exist!). In the English language, tenses are especially important because they tell us not only about the time but also about the aspect of the verb.

(click to enlarge the Mind Map)

Thursday 13 December 2012



There are only three articles: the, a and an. They are very small words which cause very large problems if used incorrectly. If, for example, you wanted someone to hand you the book, but you accidentally said a book, the other person might take some time to go shopping for a book they thought you’d like. While one can never have too many books, work doesn’t get done if we go book shopping every time we need to look up a word in the dictionary.
Articles are used to differentiate between things or ideas – usually expressed by nouns. The speaker/writer may be referring to a specific thing or idea, or a general one.
We use the to refer to specific nouns, either singular or plural.
Please hand me the book that’s on the table.
Please hand me all the books that are on the tables.
A and an are used to refer non-specific nouns.
Please hand me a book; any book will do.
Please hand me an autobiography; any autobiography will do.

Now are you ready to challenge yourself and build an ARTICLE wall?

Similes are used to make comparisons. Adjectives and verbs can be used in similes.
Are you good at similes? Spin the wheel and find out!

Learning grammar interesting? Test your grammar and find more in GAMES...

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Language and Grammar 

Bob and Jane Gooding wrote and told me about a poem that allowed Jane to remember the difference between nouns and verbs etc. However Jane can't remember all of it. I think what Bob and Jane have sent me is marvellous but they think there is more to it. Can anyone complete this poem mnemonic for us?

Every name is called a noun
As field and county, street & town.
How things are done the adverbs tell
as quickly slowly, badly, well.
An adjective describes a thing
as magic wand or golden ring.
A verb means action, something done
to read to write to jump to run.

Grammar Poem 

Imagine a team where each player is part of speech or punctuation. Enjoy them and make use of them in your classroom.

The Capital Letter: UPPER CASE
My friends call me Upper Case.
I'm a capital letter.
I'm in your face.
I'm bigger. I'm better.
I'm easy to see.
You can't start a sentence
if you don't use me.

What else do I do?
I'd better mention
that I take positions
to draw your attention.
I send signals for you to sight
when you read
and when you write.
Every proper noun you see
begins with a capital letter like me.
And, my those nouns appreciate
the neat way I abbreviate.
Los Angeles becomes L.A.
Do you know the words for N.B.A.?

Sunday 9 December 2012

Learn Adverbs and Preposition the simplest way...

Adverbs can describe a verb but they don't describe a noun. They tell us WHEN. They tell us WHERE. They tell us HOW....

Prepositions can act just like an adjective. It answers one or both questions - what kind of or which one it is. They also act like an adverb by telling when, where, how, why...

Saturday 1 December 2012

Great Song! Let's Sing Together

It is a small world
Written by: Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman

Friday 30 November 2012


Play, enjoy and learn! 

Magic Gopher
Think of a number with two digits. For example 43. Follow the Magic Gopher's instructions and he will amaze you by telling you what number you chose.

Are you a football fan? Try this game to see how many football words you know in English. Can you beat the goal keeper? Good luck!

Need more fun? Find more in GAMES....